HR Solutions
We provide our clients with a complete HRIS system. This allows us the ability to manage all of your benefits in one portal. IBAA and you, our client, have the same access to this technology. You will be able to:
Have new employees hired quickly
Review coverage status for all employees
Monitor employee enrollment status and deadlines
Store, review, and acknowledge important plan documents
Eliminate the hassle of dual entry
With intuitive self-service tools, employees will be able to enroll simply and access their benefits and HR resources online from their mobile devices. Employees will be able to view their benefits plans quickly and thoroughly through the platform.
Additionally, we can integrate your payroll provider with this technology which allows for a data exchange of payroll information with benefits enrollment. COBRA vendors can also integrate with this HRIS technology. When you terminate an employee it flows to payroll and the COBRA provider at the same time.
This technology makes the most of your time and increases productivity, not to mention everything is in one place that relates to your employees.